Saturday, November 10, 2012


So I have been dying to tell you all this news, but I had to wait!

The general manager at one of the other stores in the area has stepped down from his position to take a different job. The owner asked our general manager to move over to that store and he agreed. This left an opening for a general manager at our store, and so, the first assistant was promoted to general manager and I, the second assistant, was promoted to first assistant! I couldn't tell you all until everyone at both stores was informed.

The new general manager and I are both very excited for this opportunity. Basically, we will be in charge of running the store. Obviously major decisions would go through the owner, and our former general manager is still going to be available to help us out when needed, but pretty much it's just her and I managing our team! :) She and I work really well together and have the same views on almost everything and, as the owner put it, it's never been a competition between us.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that bit of news with you all!


Kaleb said...

What am I going to do??? I have to listen even more to what you say! ;) lol I'm proud of you sis, you definetely deserve this :)

Shantel said...


Kes said...

We are very proud of you Kendra!!

Keenan said...

way to go, idaho!